Viewer Support - Continuing Commentary
Viewer Support
A Continuing Commentary on the Harassment and Slander
that TAP Gaming has been facing
If you have been following this Blog or watching my Youtube Channel over the last couple of weeks, you might have noticed my posts and videos about the slanderous harassment I have been enduring.
I have intentionally refused to name the individual who has been conducting this harassment (this person knows exactly who he is, and I am fairly certain he is either reading these words or one of his little crony bootlickers is doing so because that is just how crazy works) There is a reason for me doing this, of course, that sane people will recognize quickly. I shouldn't have to explain it to anyone, but in case there is any misconception: You do not name Evil because you therefore give it power.
And what this "gentleman" has been doing is the definition of evil. A day will come when he will be judged for it.
There is something that needs to be addressed however. That is the subject of viewer support for the Youtube Channel.
Part of these recent attacks include the claim that I am "online pan handling"
While it is very true that I do, in fact, make a call to action to support the channel during my live streams (only during my breaks in the video and at the very end when I sign off) it should be pointed out that I am not doing anything different than 95% of other Content Creators on Youtube, but because the one conducting these slanderous attacks is a hypocritical asshole as well, I'm the one who is doing something wrong. Its these same type ideological idiots who used to complain about the use of Youtube monetization on videos back in the day when I thought remaining Anonymous online actually meant something.
As a result of me blocking and reporting the harassment the Leftist Asshole directing his Hate Mob to attack me is now playing the Victim Card, claiming I am the one harassing him! This is a typical Leftist Tactic that most normal people see for what it is immediately. Those who are fooled by this particular strain of Fucking Crazy deserve everything they get.
Has it affected Viewer Support for the channel?
It did, I had one Sponsor cancel his channel membership. This concerns me very little however as viewer sponsorship of the channel is a small sliver of the total income I receive from Adsense. That is not to say I do not appreciate those who support the Youtube Channel, both past and present. Of course I do, even those who have turned to Hate. I do not take such things for granted and even those who have decided not to support the channel I will still continue to remember in my prayers, even if it is to ask the Lord to grant them clarity about those who have truly deceived them.
Honestly, my live streaming isn't about the monetary aspect so much. I am confined to my home due to my physical disability
(and yes, Leftist Asshole, Stage 6 is a thing. Research the EDSS scale you fucking low information moron)
I live stream my video game play as a means of sharing and social communication with my viewers. To say that I don't get out much is an understatement.
So what is the true goal of the Leftist Asshole with this slanderous harassment?
It is very simple. He wants to silence me so I don't speak up on Politics. That has always been his motivation and with the Mid Terms right around the corner he wants to be able to virtue signal to his anal retentive Twitter Leftist friends that he is doing his part for their Anti-American SJW cause. It is to remove any method of monetary funding allowing me to spread my viewpoint further. To say he is taking cues from his Leftist masters in the Mainstream Media wouldn't be much off point.
Clearly he didn't know me very well in the first place. Asking question such as "What's wrong with Jon?" shows a complete depth of ignorance that astounds the senses.
There is nothing "wrong" with me. I will not be duped by the Leftist Kool-Aid he has been swilling like a drunkard at the local watering hole.
I will NOT be silent to satisfy his hair brained, virtue signalling Leftist, all feelings, no facts, idiotic political bias. I will NOT be told I have to shut up on my OWN social media about such things because he disagrees with what I have to say. I will NOT go off into the night with my tail between my legs.
He started this as he has with many other folks. The difference is that those other people wouldn't stand up to his Leftist Bully tactics. Me, I use to beat the shit out of bullies in High School, and by God, I am not the man who is going to let some idiot Leftist roll over me.
Its just not going to happen.
My Live Streaming will continue on as before. I will continue to make mods, and I will continue to be just as I am.
So if you want to support TAP Gaming on Youtube that's great, and it is much appreciated. If you want to become a Patreon instead that is also great.
But just so we are clear. I am an Independent Conservative Gamer whi is NOT afraid to speak about my Politics. The second we let someone silence us because they disagree with us politically it isn't America anymore, it communist China, and do we all REALLY want that?
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