
Showing posts from January 11, 2019

Technically it is Tyranny

Technically speaking.... Just something of Note: Aside from the high point of my channel breaking the 2k sub mark after so long, the thing I wanted to point out in this image is the blue banner I found on my Youtube Creator Studio this morning. Now normally this would seem innocent enough I suppose, if it were not for the recent actions of Youtube and other Social Media to seriously curtail Freedom of Speech on the Internet. Namely, the scrubbing of Alex Jones from pretty much ALL of Social Media, and the censorship of other high profile Conservative speakers such as Gavin McInnes or Milo, Youtube personalities such as Sargon, and pretty much anyone who disagrees with the Far Left Social Justice Warrior Agenda. Now you may think that this has nothing to do with you. Which at this point in time it may not seem like that it does, but if someone doesn't warn you of where this path leads then when it actually does have something to do with you, you can...