Fallout 4 Radio Apocalypse by the Mighty Nine
GET THE MOD BY CLICKING RIGHT HERE ATTENTION: This is the only place to get this mod. Why? Because the Nexus is a bunch of pussy ass bitches who can't follow US LAW, referring to Fair Use Law as murky and non-substantiated. These are the words of Leftist Cucks who can't find their ass with both hands, a map and a flashlight! FUCK THE NEXUS ====================== Any and all updates will now only be available here and will be listed in an Update Section at the end of this page ===================== Well watch the video! Its real short though. I didn't make a new video for this as this is still quite relevant to the song list. This radio station is quality cover music and instrumentals that I developed for use on my Youtube Channel while live streaming so that I wouldn't be catching the Content ID Claims that Fallout 4 is KNOWN for catching. Also included are two voice acted parts, one for the DJ "Wolfman Jon" and his female assistant Mandy...