The Trials of Being a Conservative Gaming live Streamer/Modder

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

This is the bane of providing free entertainment.

No really, I get it that some people do not find me funny, do not like my live streams, do not like my mods, and generally hate my guts. That can't be helped. I know what I was getting into when I decided to "go public"

As a "public figure" (albeit relatively unknown) I knew I would face personal attacks, this however does not deter my determination to do what I do especially concerning my Youtube Channel. I knew I would face hostility when I re-branded into a Gaming Channel some years back, and I knew that much of this would come from being one of the very, very few openly Conservative Gaming Live Streamers on Youtube.

Most Gaming Live Streamers do not talk about their politics and I get their reasons for it. As Conservatives we will face attacks by the Left constantly, that is what the Left does especially in this time in America's history. They hurl personal attacks based on their moral virtue signalling instead of debating ideas because simply put their policies suck ass.

Recently, I was attacked by someone I had considered a friend. I guess I should have been paying more attention to what sort of person this man was, but I've always been the type of person who tries to believe the best about people. I know good people exist in the world, and sometimes such people appear out of the woodwork to help you when you need it the most. My mother would say it is God working through them, and this may be true. I've never been a devoted Christian, but I believe in Karma and if you do good things that good shall be returned to you.

That is why it was such a surprise when this gentleman began his campaign of slander and harassment. By his own admission "it has nothing to do with politics". That statement, however, is completely false. It had everything to do with politics. His hostility towards me began rising after Donald Trump was elected President as he knew I supported Trump (the alternative was far, far worse). Upon reading his Twitter feed, I realized it read like the feed of a virtue signalling Leftist Social Justice Warrior so I knew our association would come back to haunt me. I did not however pursue any sort of conflict with this gentleman. Again believing the best about people, and considering this man had actually helped me quite a great deal by building and shipping the computer to me that I currently use, I ignored his increasing hostility over posts I made on my Social Media.

The adult way to react in that situation would have been to remove me from his friend's list and block me. We are not, however, discussing someone who acts in an adult manner. We are discussing a mentally insane Social Justice virtue signalling control freak Leftist afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome or what is now being professionally called Trump Anxiety Disorder. I like the first one honestly, the term is much more apt to the actions of those inflicted with this mental disorder.

Having established that  his attacks do, in fact, stem from his disagreement over my particular political views, let's address the content of his attacks. The first being that I was "faking" being inflicted with Multiple Sclerosis which even though I shouldn't have to prove it (I know what's wrong with me) I thought maybe to support my side of the story I should prove my case which I did with this video. Please forgive the quality as it was filmed with my webcam at about 3 am

That, however, was not good enough for this gentleman who then began claiming there is no such thing as Stage 6 Multiple Sclerosis, totally disregarding that I had, in fact, proven him completely wrong. He continued with the attacks as Leftists tend to do. It is part of their battle plan written up for them in Rules for Radicals, after all. They just seem to forget that other people know how to read too, and that their moves are so entirely predictable that an apt comparison would be a person with an IQ of 35 playing hop scotch versus Mr. Spock playing 3D Chess.

As for there being Stages to Multiple Sclerosis I should clarify that Stage 6 is the EDSS rating, and there is quite an informative article on which can be found here

 Further reading on The EDDS scale can be found here

This gentleman's ranting about it not being a real thing because he asked a question on WebbMD and got an answer from someone whose identity and professional knowledge on the subject can hardly be verified. This shows a complete lack of research skills and a complete willingness to disregard any information which do not support his slanderous personal attacks. Again this is typical of a Social Justice Leftist with low information pretending to be the authority on a topic. It is very sad really.

His attacks stem also from the fact that I engage in the use of Patreon and PayPal as well as other forms of support for my Youtube Channel claiming I am "scamming" folks and "pan handling".

We've established the fact that I am not scamming anyone so that part is a mute point.

Honestly, if I was pan handling, I would be failing at it horribly. I do get some support from my viewers, not a lot but some. If I wanted to pan handle properly I would use a Sharpie marker and a piece of cardboard to make a sign which reads "Homeless and Hungry Please Help" then proceed down to the Interstate Exit. I surely would find it more profitable this I can tell you!

With money I receive from Adsense, and channel support I am lucky if I make $60 a month at this time. The term "limited income" doesn't really apply at all in this case so claiming I am panhandling is a very lame accusation at best. Despite the fact that fully approx 95% of Content Creators on Youtube do the exact same thing, both on the Right and the Left. I fully appreciate those that help me and support my work.

This whole thing came to a boil recently with the de-platforming of Alex Jones as well. This gentleman clearly had the thought he could get me de-platformed due to my political views as well combined with his slanderous harassment that I would just go away. I've already dealt with a number of flag reports on my Youtube Channel from the Leftist Hate Mob he has drummed on Twitter against me all of which have been disregarded by Youtube as I do not violate their TOS. Maybe it is because my channel is so small I do not know.

This I do know, my name is not Eric.

I am fairly certain at some point that this gentleman will use this article in his continuing harassment of me, and that's fine. Only the truly moronic would read this and still believe a word this man says. So if you are reading this after having found it due to his linking it, ask yourself

"Is this man wrong?"

Being a keyboard warrior trying to be an alpha male doesn't work with me. I will continue to be just exactly as I am. I will not self censor my speech and political views to appease some crazed Leftists who get offended by everything.




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